Anna Torv as Olivia Dunham
Olivia starts to remember her old life, before the observers took away the memory of Peter ever existing. She remembers her love with Peter and wants him to treat her like she is his Olivia, not some "other-timeline Olivia."
32:12 - 32:52; 33:44 - 34:00
You know, I keep expecting to see that look in your eye
and it isn't there.
Or it is, and you're pulling back.
[You say you're confused]. I'm confused, too.
I feel incredibly close to you.
I feel like I know you better than anyone else in the world,
and then when you look at me it's like none of that is true.
I want you to behave naturally.
I want you to treat me like you know me better than anyone in the world too,
because you do."
[you don't understand how this is happening]
"I don't understand it either, but whatever this is, whatever the cause, i told you i'm not scared.
I like the feeling.
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