Saturday, March 31, 2012

Talk about a "Strange" General Conference

Today, I noticed a similar...... resemblance. I had no idea that Elder Baxter was an observer.

Alright alright, nobody get your panties in a twist. Elder David Baxter (of the Quorum of the Seventy) was diagnosed with brain cancer, and that's why he looks like an observer. All due respect goes to him and his family during this time. It's just... i can't deny the truth, whether its PC or not.

Oh and also, hello David Archuleta in the MTC Choir 
click here for more info on speakers and schedules for the 182nd annual LDS General Conference;
and here & here for more info about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka Mormon; LDS)

Friday, March 30, 2012

BYU Chick on Veronica Mars

Was watching Veronica Mars the other day. Love that show. Kristen Bell is awesome -- strong character, love her sarcastic readings.

In an episode there's a guest star,
Erin Chambers (click here for her IMDb). I just found out that apparently she graduated from BYU. I don't know if she's an active member, but isn't that cool?

I first saw her in that one disney movie "Don't Look Under the Bed." That was SUCH a good movie with imaginary friends and creepy cool stuff... wow good times. that movie was from 1999. Erin Chambers was 20 years old; her character.. 14 years old. YEAH. Watch the movie:

General Hospital. It's so weird how she's got an Irish accent in this. wweeeeeiiirrrrd. and i don't know how accurate it is. It all sounds toooooo irish if you know what i mean.

Errand of Angels. haven't seen it. i will now. she looks so good in this.

She sorta reminds me of Brittni from my acting class:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

TBBT: Elevator Explained!

i love starting to watch shows when they've already got like 5 seasons out. that way i don't have to wait a week or for stupid hiatus to end. I've been catchin up on the big bang theory.

"Okay baby-doll pink, let's see if you can cover up the fact that i got my dad's feet." ... the episode i just finished watching:  THE BIG BANG THEORY S3E22
finally! this is the episode that explains why the elevator is broken!

omg i love this show. the writing and acting is so funny. Jim Parsons is exceptionally impressive and Kaley Cuoco is soo great. Sometimes--rarely--she misreads a line or isn't owning her craft, but for this show it's fine. she's always entertaining and on occasion, she has the BEST READINGS more than any other comedic actress. like this one from S2E11 (try to ignore the sound delay and subtitles):

"That's what you took from that?!! The guy is married!" 
I am loving that reading. Just awesome. The explosion of shock, the slight voice crack on "That's," the wide-eyed stare, the head tilt and gesture forward. So great.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Buzz of Funny Celebs

My mind:
  • Watches Revenge and loved the song at the end of an episode --> turns into:
  • Finds the song on youtube; got it --> turns into:
  • "What was that one song on 30 rock... KIDNEY NOW" --> turns into:
  • 30 Rock Bloopers -->
  • Tina Fey interview -->
  • Zac Efron & Michelle Pfeiffer interview -->
  • Sandra Bullok interview -->
  • 2 hours later -->
  • realizes its been 3 hours of this, in the middle of the night -->
  • comes to senses? -->
  • hopefully sleeps, but most likely, you know better.

1. love tina fey
2. love katherine heigl
3. sandra bullock; need i say more.
4. love love love zac efron; he's like the robert redford or brad pitt of this generation; i think i'll work with him sometime

many more.. but yeah. don't mind that i spent hours doin this and i have a 9am ACTING class (ironically). whateva kiyum

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's called choking for a reason

Yesterday in class i was last to go. there really wasn't enough time left, i shouldn't have performed. i wasn't prepared enough.

I picked a comedic monologue the night before. i wanted to say the lines really fast and expressively, but i didn't practice enough.

my slow pace and thought process really made it more dramatic, not comedic. my teacher said it really was a great monologue choice, so that's good (for dramatic piece).

but it was an EPIC FAIL.

Lines are the air you breathe. without them, you choke. you break character. you break the truth of it all. lines have to be SO natural to you that you can pull them out of your ass at any moment if you need to. Leighton Meester is great at this as Blair on Gossip Girl, says her lines sooo fast and natural. really, i was so critical of myself for bein slow and needing help with the last lines and stanzas. POOP.

there wasn't enough time for the teach & class to critique, so i shouldn't have even gone. UGH. i did not like that. whateva kiyum.

but it was a lil bittersweet. to know this priority of memorization and preparation. to perform, you've got to be thinkin this all the time.

Comedic monologue i performed (only to find out after that it's not really comedic)
Luv by Murray Schisgal
ELLEN: I was lonely, Harry; I was always lonely.
There was no one for me to talk with, or share things with. 
I couldn’t make friends because I never stayed in one place long enough.
I went deeper and deeper inside of myself.
I read and fantasized and was far too bright for my age.

On the one hand I possessed a cold calculating mind; 
it was sharp as a razor, incisive, penetrating.
Men were afraid of me.
They were afraid of my mind, my power of analysis, 
my photographic memory.
They wouldn’t discuss things with me.
They became resentful and standoffish and 
avoided me because I was a threat to 
their feelings of masculine superiority.

You see, on the other hand, 
on the other hand, Harry. I was a woman, 
a woman who wanted to be loved, 
who wanted to have children, 
who wanted all the common dreary horrible middle-class things… 
things that every other woman takes for granted.
I willingly succumbed to biology and sociological necessity. 
I willingly confessed my womanhood.
But how do I bridge the gap?
I didn’t ask for universal education.
Why was I educated, Harry if I’m 
compelled to live this fractured existence?

You say love and yes, what about love?
You know nothing about women, Harry.
For a woman to have never known love isn’t tragic. 
The dream is still there. The dream…
She needs that more than she does the reality.
But to have love become a shabby cynical emotion… 
To watch it change into pettiness and hate…
That’s what destroys her.
She loses her dream and…
It makes an animal of her, a vicious little creature 
who only thinks of scratching and biting and getting revenge. 

Comedic monologue i plan on practicing really well and performing instead of the latter:
Luv by Murray Schisgal
p. 48
ELLEN: You talk about misery! Ha!
That makes me laugh. Misery!
You can’t imagine how it’s been.
He… Who is he? What is he?
Why didn’t you shake me by the shoulders and slap my face and… do anything to stop me.
He… He isn’t human, Milt. That man…
He lays in the corner of the living room, rocking on his back, wearing a paperbag on his head, yes a paperbag, mumbling and groaning hour after hour…
I have to feed him, wash him… I can’t tell you everything. I’m too ashamed.
That’s what my marriage to Harry Berlin has been like.
And you wonder why I continue with it.
Ask me what I believe in, Milt.

I believe in marriage, Milt.
I believe in a man coming home at five o’clock with a newspaper rolled under his arm and a silly grin on his face and shouting, “What’s for dinner, hon?”
I believe in the smell of talcum powder and dirty diapers and getting up in the middle of the night to warm the baby’s bottle.
I can’t help it. I’m made that way.
But why did they teach me trigonometry and bio-chemistry and paleontology?
Why did they so sharpen my intellect that I find it impossible to live with a man?
I’ll never forgive the Board of Education for that. Never.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rabbit Hole Scene Rehearsal

I play Becca, a woman whose 4 year old son was run over by a teenage by, Jason. This scene is 10 months after the accident, where Jason and Becca are meeting as an attempt to connect in some way because they both share this tragic experience. 
Click here for the written scene! Also, they made the play into a movie, with Nicole Kidman as Becca.

^my scene with Dallen. also some before-prepping and after-fun.

This is the only recording I'll have of this scene. It's rough. We worked on it a bunch since then. We worked privately with the TA who gave us some Meisner exercises to do, which were fun. We made the scene more light and real, not so dismal and blah and long. We perform it a total of 3 times in class.

Found this site while looking for monologues.

Interesting that there's a couple Salt Lake City Auditions on this random site. Heat, and Greece is the Word. I'm kinda thinkin i'll go to it, just for the experience, for the fun of it, that is... if i can get my sister to go with me. ;-) April.
Saturday, March 31 10am-1pm, Off Broadway Theatre, 272 South Main Street. 

'course, Heat is an all black cast... so i'm thinkin i wouldn't fit the part. shucks.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Some Playwrights/Monologue List

Some Playwrights:

Murray Schisgal
John Patrick Shanley
Christopher Durang
Lanfod Wilson
AMAZING AMAZING link for a comprehensive list of potential monologues (monologues not actually located here, but has great detail of dozens of plays and characters for female roles). book synopses/locations

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Girl, Interrupted Monologue

Help me understand, Daisy.
'Cuz i thought you didn't do valium.
I do. But i'm sick, Daisy. We know that.
But here you are in so called recovery, playing Betty Crocker, cut up like a damn Virginia ham.
Tell me how this safety net is working for you.
Tell me that you don't take that blade and drag it across your skin and pray for the courage to press down.
Tell me how your daddy helps you cope with that.
I mean, you tell me daddy loves you, and I bet he does.
With every inch of his manhood.

They didn't release you because you got better, Daisy.
They just gave up.
You call this a life, hmm?
Taking daddy's money, buying your dollies and your knick-knacks,
and eating his chicken, fattening up like a prize heifer.
You changed the scenery but not the situation.
And the wardon makes house calls.
And everybody knows. Everybody knows that he screws you.
But what they don't know is you like it. Hmm? You like it.

But hey man, it's cool. Whatever.
A man is a dick is a man is a dick is a chicken, a dad, a valium, a speculum, whatever.
You like being Mrs. Randone.
Probably all you've ever known, huh?

I presented this in my acting class, and it got quite a silent reaction. My TA just said, "Okay, well now we're all going to be a little scared of Karyn." 

Kinda fun :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fringe -- Short Monologue

Fringe [Season 4 Episode 13]
Anna Torv as Olivia Dunham

Olivia starts to remember her old life, before the observers took away the memory of Peter ever existing. She remembers her love with Peter and wants him to treat her like she is his Olivia, not some "other-timeline Olivia."
32:12 - 32:52; 33:44 - 34:00

"Look, in case you were wondering it's hard for me too.
You know, I keep expecting to see that look in your eye
and it isn't there.
Or it is, and you're pulling back.

[You say you're confused]. I'm confused, too.
I feel incredibly close to you.
I feel like I know you better than anyone else in the world,
and then when you look at me it's like none of that is true.

I want you to behave naturally.
I want you to treat me like you know me better than anyone in the world too,
because you do."

[you don't understand how this is happening]
"I don't understand it either, but whatever this is, whatever the cause, i told you i'm not scared.
I like the feeling.