Friday, March 30, 2012

BYU Chick on Veronica Mars

Was watching Veronica Mars the other day. Love that show. Kristen Bell is awesome -- strong character, love her sarcastic readings.

In an episode there's a guest star,
Erin Chambers (click here for her IMDb). I just found out that apparently she graduated from BYU. I don't know if she's an active member, but isn't that cool?

I first saw her in that one disney movie "Don't Look Under the Bed." That was SUCH a good movie with imaginary friends and creepy cool stuff... wow good times. that movie was from 1999. Erin Chambers was 20 years old; her character.. 14 years old. YEAH. Watch the movie:

General Hospital. It's so weird how she's got an Irish accent in this. wweeeeeiiirrrrd. and i don't know how accurate it is. It all sounds toooooo irish if you know what i mean.

Errand of Angels. haven't seen it. i will now. she looks so good in this.

She sorta reminds me of Brittni from my acting class:

1 comment:

  1. Irish accents immediately make me think of Far and Away.
