This was at the LDS Film Festival 2011. This is Daryn Tufts (director, actor). Cool guy. He directed Alyssa Milano (Charmed; Who's the Boss) and Christopher Gorham (Other Side of Heaven; Covert Affairs) in "My Girlfriend's Boyfriend."
Stephen Jones is BYU celebrity. I think he will soon be a nationally recognized comedian. He's got the talent and charisma. Check'm out: New Spice: BYU Study Like a Scholar.
Of course, Susan Grace Cohen, my acting coach [New York Strasberg Institute; students: James Gandolfini (Sopranos), Linda Hamilton (Terminator 1 & 2) Karen Allen (Raiders of the Lost Ark), James Spader (Sex, Lies and Videotape, Boston Legal, Race), Melora Walters (Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Big Love), Steven Buscemi (Fargo, Sopranos), Justin Chambers (Grey’s Anatomy), Heather Juergensen (Kissing Jessica Stein) andSarah Burns, (I Love You, Man).]
The Tessa Barton Band (wants to be known as Fang Fang? idk) Youtube channel. ... live at the Valour in salt lake. I'm in the process of writing an NY Times article for them for their May 12th album release.
They've got a moving story. Their sister, Sophie Rose Barton, died June 2010 and Tessa took up solo singing. From left to right in the photo: Chaz (guitarist, brother, 22), Tony Farley (drummer, friend), Me :-), Tessa (lead), Luke (all instruments, brother, 15).

LDS Film Festival 2012:
I got to meet the stars of Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed, which comes out this summer 2012. I got a poster, and they all signed it. It was really fun to meet them and how they're very down to Earth. I also friended the main two on my right in the picture and they accepted me as their friend: Corbin Allred [FB] and David Knibley [FB].
To the left is the star in "Beasts of the Southern Wild." Quvenzhané Wallis. She's so cute, and has such star quality attitude. She had so much tude when she was standing up there with the director, DP, etc.
But she was actually a lil shy when i talked to her cuz all i did was compliment her on her shoes and her shirt but she shied away. It was funny cuz by the time i left she loved me. she came up to me again and gave me her personal card inside her Sundance badge thing and signed it. She was so cute. I think she'll eventually be an oscar winner. Really, it was such a good movie, and she was INCREDIBLE in it.
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