saw on Saturday, February 4, 2012; 11am at BYU
Merchant of Veniceby William Shakespeare
3 Characters:
- Shylock -- a moneylender who is disliked by many
- O: to receive justice
- T: 1) refuses to lend money to Antonia; 2) lends money only based on satisfaction that he'll get a pound of her flesh; 3) takes Antonia to court and demands justice
- Bassanio -- a young man who spends too much money and who wants to marry Portia
- O: to keep his relationships good
- T: 1) convinces Shylock to lend money to Antonia; 2) to decide wisely which box to pick to marry Portia; 3) returns to Antonia to help her in court
- Portia -- a very wealthy and beautiful young woman
- O: to marry who she wants; and to be happy with him
- T: 1) sets up elaborate box-picking choice; 2) to give Bassanio the money he needs to free his friend from bonds; 3) to dress up like a lawyer, travel, and defend Antonia in trial
-- i enjoyed so many monologues but could not keep track of them
-- Portia's lines were all good: when she was monologuing about how and who she wants to pick the right box; also when she is defending Antonia is impressive
-- i liked Shylok's passion when he was demanding justice
--Dominant Culture: Tharian --Money: Spices
--Non-Dominant Culture: Curan --Place of Business: DI
--Town: Narnia --Far Away Place: Andalasia
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